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Hi, I'm Carcass. I am the creator of Objectified. Text says pet pet. One thing I've noticed as we've gotten more and more readers, is that many of you don't know about our apocalypse guide.
You can access it by clicking or tapping on any hazard symbol currently being displayed on our homepage banner. For example, At this moment in time, we are experiencing a late stage event called Egstrom. If you like the comic enough to consider yourself a fan, I suggest checking it out.
We're actually even working to revamp the guide to include more information about parasites and the world that our characters live in. You can read the current guide on objectified comic dot com.
There's also special information about the characters on our cast page and in our art galleries. Extra text says romantic orientations, genders, and character biographies. Not to mention, you may be missing out on lore rich bonus content.
I challenge you all, if you haven't, to give the website a chance. I think you'll like it more. And if you're already using the official website, thank you! You can even subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when an episode releases, if you want to switch over from webtoons. Extra text says news, art contests, and merch sales.
And of course, thank you for reading the comic at all. I'm sure a lot of you have noticed how much the fanbase has grown in the last year or so.
If you want to help it grow faster, posting about us on social media is actually the best way to do that. Your fan art and videos help us a lot more than you think. Even just your pins and such get eyes on the comic. Extra text says, can you flood pinterest with objectified panels for us?
I have to get back to work, I'm lining hold on right now, so I'll leave you with this. Be kind to each other and do your best.
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