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Ep 71. Demo Day


Warning, this episode contains themes that may be disturbing to some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.
Mushroom is running through the forest and yells, Dynamite! Mushroom thinks, I have to do something! But. Mushroom remembers the Shroud that killed her and stops running abruptly. Text by her feet says skid. Mushroom thinks, What if it?
Mushroom's train of thought is interrupted by a loud buzzing noise as something zooms by her head and makes her cower. When she opens her eyes, she sees a flying assimilated object flying in Dynamite's direction. It is an assimilated ribbon bow with a shroud spine mutation growing from its tongue.
Mushroom screams, Dynamite! Mushroom thinks, I can't be a coward right now! Another assimilated object emerges from a bush nearby, mimicking Mushroom's voice and calling Dynamite's name. Text says rustle and burst. From the parasite's point of view, it can see mycelium emanating from Mushroom's mouth. It stares at her.
The parasite mimics someone else's voice shouting, No! It flees. Text says skitter. Mushroom thinks, why do they want to hurt Dynamite and not me? When they're still recognizable as objects, they avoid me. But why?
Venus and Schick are running away in the opposite direction. Venus shouts, Pack Mother's gonna kill us! Schick shouts, Momma! Pack Mother bursts from the foliage ahead, shouting, Boys! Venus says, Guh!
Venus and Schick are embraced by Packmother. Venus asks, You aren't mad at us? Packmother says, No, I'm just grateful that you're okay. Billie, Pana, and Dolly run past them towards Mushroom and Dynamite. Dolly says, These kids are really giving Billie a workout! Pana says, I told you we should have just killed them.
Bic enters the shot, saying, If that mushroom dies, It'll be my ass! Pana shouts, Make yourself useful and run! Dolly shouts, Shut up, Bic! Dynamite shouts, Ah! Help me! Mushroom! The assimilated bow and assimilated makeup brush chase after him. Dynamite shouts, I don't wanna die! Please!
Mushroom shouts, Dynamite! Circle back around to me! The assimilated bow flies closer to Dynamite as he looks back towards it, shouting, Ah! Dynamite grabs and pulls a tree branch down with his full weight. Text describes the sound of the strained wood creaking. Dynamite lets go of the branch, and it snaps backwards, hitting the assimilated bow and flinging it away. Text says swat.
Dynamite continues running, making a wide turn. The assimilated makeup brush skids across the ground, making a skid sound. Text around Dynamite repeats the word pant. Dynamite shouts, Mushroom! Let's run for it! Please! He runs past the assimilated bow on the ground, who is twitching. Dynamite jumps into Mushroom's arms. Text says jump. Dynamite shouts, We can go home!
Mushroom swings Dynamite around, placing him behind her. Text describes a loud buzzing sound as the flying assimilated object begins to approach again. Text says swing. Dynamite shouts, What, what are you doing? The buzzing continues as the assimilated objects both approach Mushroom and Dynamite. Mushroom spreads her arms in a guarding gesture. Dynamite shouts, Dude!
The buzzing continues. From the flying parasite's point of view, mycelium is visible in Mushroom's mouth. The assimilated object halts abruptly, sending a gust of air and fog towards Mushroom and Dynamite. Text says freeze, buzz, and fwoosh.
Buzzing continues. Text says hover. The parasite cautiously circles around Mushroom, trying to see Dynamite. Mushroom stays between the parasite and her friend, turning her body. Mushroom is staring at the parasite's Shroud mutation, remembering and getting flashbacks to the Shroud.
Mushroom begins sweating as the page turns a deeper red. Mushroom remembers her own melting torso from when the Shroud killed her. Vomit seeps from her mouth and runs down her face. All that Mushroom can see is the Shroud's spine.
More vomit begins pouring from her mouth as it begins to open. From the parasite's perspective, the white glowing mycelium shines brighter. Dolly, Pana, and Bic are running towards them. Dolly shouts, I think I see them!
The razors stop. Text says skid. They stare as Mushroom projectile vomits onto the parasite. Text says hack, wretch, and splat. The assimilated object shrieks and flies blindly away.
It continues shrieking, the other assimilated object turning to stare at it as it flies away. From the assimilated makeup brush's point of view, the vomit looks like glowing white mold. Mushroom staggers, staring ahead as Dynamite hides behind her looking astonished.
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